Monday, April 21, 2008

Square Foot Garden!

Yes! We did it. Brandon and I after weeks of collecting all the ingredients for soil, building boxes, and growing seeds have finally finished our Square Foot Gardens. I am convinced that the soil used for the garden is what Adam and Eve had to work with in the Garden of Eden. It smells and feels wonderful. I am so excited to watch the plants grow. I will keep you updated.


  1. Ooh how fun! The yard looks pretty! I can't wait to come in June!! Chase is excited to meet you guys. He prob gets sick of me talking about you guys:) jk

  2. So what 'ya growin'?
    And did you guys really build those all by yourself? That's awesome!

  3. The boxes look so great. You are amazing.

  4. I am growing a few varieties of tomatoes, squash, melons, herbs, and peppers. Brandon built them.

  5. looks great, guys. that is so much fun. definitely will make for good summer dinners!

  6. Where is your grid??? :) I just posted a pic of mine as well :) Let's see how they do in NC!!! I am very excited!

  7. I know it is not a true square foot garden without that grid but I drew it in with my fingers. I did not want nails, screws, or staple holes in my boxes.

  8. I love gardens!! Looks great, Sass!
