Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Donuts with Dad

Camden's morning preschool has an event coming up called "Donuts with Dad". They asked for a photo with their dad. I took a few shots yesterday. I think they turned out very cute.

Camden 6
Camden 5Camden 4Camden 3Camden 2Camden 1

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Camden had her first day of her afternoon special education preschool. She will begin her mainstream/church affiliated preschool Sept. 6th. Camden is going to be one busy preschooler Mon-Thurs 9AM-3:30PM.

We went to her meet the teacher today at the Baptist school. The teachers both seem really nice. It is a class full of girls with very few boys. I have a lot of anxiety going into this school year. It was hard standing in the classroom today looking at all these kids who were speaking well, writing their names, coloring in the lines, and playing with one another. Then there was my sweet Camden doing her own thing as happy as can be. I hope the teachers can meet the real Camden and be able to understand her. I hope the kids can be accepting even though she is not completely at their level.

I hope this year Camden and I will be able to grow and learn a lot. I am so thankful for the programs that are provided for her.
My  kids 6
My  kids 5
My  kids 3
My  kids 2
My  kids 1
Camden is ready for this new adventure. (Insert Eye of the Tiger Lyrics)
My  kids 4

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Brooklyn's First Day of School

My Brooklyn is headed off to 2nd grade. It is crazy to think that I have very vivid memories of being this age and now I have a child this age. Am I really turning into my parents. I did not realize I was getting old. Oh wait I will realize I am getting old after I get up from writing this post. Here are the classic back to school photos. I will sneak in a few of Camden and Dallin. Camden will start preschool next week and could not be more excited. I love my kids!
My  kids 4
My  kids 3
My  kids 2
My  kids 1
My  kids 5
My  kids 6
My  kids 7
My  kids 8

Friday, August 19, 2011

Holy Moly She Is 7!

I absolutely adore this girl. I could not have asked for a better first child. She is extremely patient and loving. We had a fun time at Paint Your Pot to celebrate her birthday. She invited a few friends from church, school, and Gillian (cousin). Her cake choice was cheesecake however was changed to strawberry cake for the sake of the other kids. She is growing up so fast.
Her Favorite List:
Color: Rainbow
Food: Mac and Cheese and fruit
Dessert: Cheesecake
Thing: Play with Mom ( I did not make her say that)
Activity: Jumping on the Trampoline
Person: Family and Friends
Martin South Reunion July 2011 31
Spring Break 20
Christmas 5
messy faces 3

Thursday, August 18, 2011

D Boy

Seriously could this kid be any more delicious. He drives me insane and melts my heart all at once. He is into everything, he gives hugs, teases his sisters, gives kisses, can't sit still, and is mostly happy the whole day. His big thing right now is jet, gun, lazer, motor sound effects and gives good knuckle bumps.
Smith 3
Smith 2 (1)
Smith 1 (1)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Last Day of 2010-2011 School Year

I have been meaning to post some photos from their last day of school. I thought I would do it before school started up. Here is what my girls looked liked at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year. They have grown within the last year. I can't wait to see the leaps they make this year.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Hairstyle?

It is time again for a new do. Actually well overdue. You may have remembered this cut I received a few months ago. Well my hair is not shoulder length and needs a change. Here are the new hairdos I am thinking about. Which one is your favorite?
The first one is if I want to keep my hair short for a little while longer. Which would not be bad for the summer. The other cut is if I want to grow it long again. Long all over layers are easy to grow out.

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Own Secret Garden

Image seen on Design Sponge
I want my own secret garden. I think I could get a small scale version of this in my own yard. Are you ready for this Brandon?

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Memorial Weekend Camping Trip

Brandon and I have both done a lot of camping separate from one another and certainly have not done it with our kids. This past memorial weekend was a real adventure for us. We attempted a camping trip about 2 and half hours away with our friends the Cranes. We had a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed it very much.
Memorial Weekend Camping 14
Memorial Weekend Camping 39
Memorial Weekend Camping 37
Memorial Weekend Camping 32
This cave was a battle sight against those for the British government and those against the British.
Memorial Weekend Camping 31Memorial Weekend Camping 28
Memorial Weekend Camping 26
Lots of dirty feet, hands, and faces.
Memorial Weekend Camping 22Memorial Weekend Camping 16
Memorial Weekend Camping 15
Memorial Weekend Camping 13
Memorial Weekend Camping 11Memorial Weekend Camping 8
Memorial Weekend Camping 6
Memorial Weekend Camping 2

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Mother's Day

My mothers day was incredibly fun and thoughtful. Brandon had read "Fancy Nancy Ooh La La Its a Beauty Day" to the girls a few weeks prior to Mother's Day. He helped the girls plan this whole beauty spa for me Sunday morning. The girls were so cute and were very much in character.

Mother's Day 3
Mother's Day 1
Mother's Day 2
There are different recipes for beauty products.
Mother's Day 4
I think this one was bananas, cinnamon, and cocoa powder.
Mother's Day 5
Mother's Day 6
Camden was really good with the foot massage.
Mother's Day 7Mother's Day 9Mother's Day 10