Friday, December 26, 2008

Good hiding spot

Brooklyn and I started watching "the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." She was immediately concerned about the war scenes at the beginning and the children leaving their mother. So when the game of hide and seek began, I attempted to console her that the movie was intended for children. "That's a good hiding spot," I would declare when the older of the girls hides in the hope chest. "Ooh, that's another good place to hide," when Ed hides behind the window curtain. When Lucy enters the magic wardrobe, passing coats, and into the forest trees, intent to help her understand the plot, I stated "wow, Lucy went into that closet and she ended up in a magic forest." Brooklyn replied, "Now that is a good hiding place."

1 comment:

  1. I love your postings. I'm just lazy to comment. Thanks for insights on Brooklyn. She is smart and sensitive like someone else I know.
