Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Hairstyle?

It is time again for a new do. Actually well overdue. You may have remembered this cut I received a few months ago. Well my hair is not shoulder length and needs a change. Here are the new hairdos I am thinking about. Which one is your favorite?
The first one is if I want to keep my hair short for a little while longer. Which would not be bad for the summer. The other cut is if I want to grow it long again. Long all over layers are easy to grow out.

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Own Secret Garden

Image seen on Design Sponge
I want my own secret garden. I think I could get a small scale version of this in my own yard. Are you ready for this Brandon?

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Memorial Weekend Camping Trip

Brandon and I have both done a lot of camping separate from one another and certainly have not done it with our kids. This past memorial weekend was a real adventure for us. We attempted a camping trip about 2 and half hours away with our friends the Cranes. We had a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed it very much.
Memorial Weekend Camping 14
Memorial Weekend Camping 39
Memorial Weekend Camping 37
Memorial Weekend Camping 32
This cave was a battle sight against those for the British government and those against the British.
Memorial Weekend Camping 31Memorial Weekend Camping 28
Memorial Weekend Camping 26
Lots of dirty feet, hands, and faces.
Memorial Weekend Camping 22Memorial Weekend Camping 16
Memorial Weekend Camping 15
Memorial Weekend Camping 13
Memorial Weekend Camping 11Memorial Weekend Camping 8
Memorial Weekend Camping 6
Memorial Weekend Camping 2

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Mother's Day

My mothers day was incredibly fun and thoughtful. Brandon had read "Fancy Nancy Ooh La La Its a Beauty Day" to the girls a few weeks prior to Mother's Day. He helped the girls plan this whole beauty spa for me Sunday morning. The girls were so cute and were very much in character.

Mother's Day 3
Mother's Day 1
Mother's Day 2
There are different recipes for beauty products.
Mother's Day 4
I think this one was bananas, cinnamon, and cocoa powder.
Mother's Day 5
Mother's Day 6
Camden was really good with the foot massage.
Mother's Day 7Mother's Day 9Mother's Day 10

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


I love Easter. I love what it represents. It brings much hope and peace to me for the future. We were invited by some church friends to a picnic and what they call egg rolling competition. Brandon liked to call it egg jousting.

Easter 6
Easter 4Easter 2Easter 1

Easter Sunday we were fortunate enough to spend with family. My kids love heading over to Elon to be with cousins.
Easter 17
Easter 16
Easter 15
Easter 14Easter 13Easter 12Easter 11Easter 10Easter 7Easter 8

Monday, June 06, 2011


I am sure many of you have heard or were affected by the tornadoes that have hit the south this season. We will definitely be taking the tornado warnings more serious. Thankfully our neighborhood was not hit because we were out on our screened porch jump roping while friends in the area were huddled in their bathrooms. Here are some photos that we took while driving by a town on our way home from our spring break.
Tornado 1
Tornado 3
Tornado 2

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Spring Break

Our typical spring breaks tend to be last minute planning which then leads to laziness. This year a few months prior a groupon popped up for a two night stay at a beach resort 50% off. Both us and our friends decided to buy in and had a wonderful time despite the condition of the hotel. Sadly I had no pictures of us on the beach. Having six kids on the beach is difficult with bathroom breaks, napping, and timeouts. Here are few photos from our visit to the local aquarium.
Spring Break 20
Spring Break 19
Spring Break 18
Spring Break 17
Spring Break 15
Spring Break 14
Spring Break 13
Spring Break 12
Spring Break 9
Spring Break 7Spring Break 6Spring Break 5Spring Break 2Spring Break 11