Thursday, January 31, 2008

For last time, SHE IS A GIRL!!!

I never let the ignorance of people get to me when Brooklyn was a baby. She usually only had very old men calling her a boy. She had more hair so I was able to pull it up with ribbons.

Today was the last straw. Within ten minutes, Camden was called a boy three times.

The first conversation occurred at the doctors office with new office lady.
OFFICE LADY: "What a big boy! When is his birthday?"
Me: "HER birthday is January 29th."
OFFICE LADY: "Oh, I am sorry. I just saw the blue jeans and jacket."
Me: (thinking) "What? So you assume she is a boy because only boys wear blue jeans and jackets. There must be some really cold baby girls."

Whatever, right? I walked out of there not to bothered. Not more than 30 seconds later the next incident happened.
(Man holds door open at the office building)
Man: "Come on out."
Me: "Thank you."
Man: " Cute boy. Hey there buddy!"
Me: (thinking, again) "Seriously! Are you kidding me."

When I leave a doctors office it is very typical to have a prescription to fill. Camden and I head on over to the pharmacy.
(Walk up to check out counter. Place Camden on counter.)
Checkout Man: "What a cute boy. How old is he?"
Me: "SHE is one." (face feeling hot)
Checkout man: "Oh I am sorry I just saw the blue shirt."
Me: "Girls can wear blue."
Checkout man: "Yeah, sorry I just stereotyped her."

So next time this happens and the person uses the blue shirt excuse. Do I have the right to say so that makes you a man because you are not wearing pink or vice versa? I will let you all know how that one turns out.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Big One!

I can't believe Camden is a year. Camden's first year has been smooth other than her extra stay at the hospital for RSV at 3 weeks. The first thing I thought was how calm and peaceful her expressions were. She is very happy especially when Brooklyn is around. I am looking forward to many more fun years.

Monday, January 28, 2008

No, I wanna be a champion!

There are few people that will know where my title comes from. I think I might be crazy. I have just recently signed up for an adult tumbling class. Tonight was my third week. I feel as if my arms are literally going to fall off. I have to keep telling myself I will be a Champion! I will be the next Nadia. Stay tuned to see me compete on ESPN in a mothers tumbling circuit.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Pushy Salesman vs. My Husband

North Carolina has been in drought and recently received a good rain about a week ago. On that day, Brandon and I noticed there were some gutter issues around our home since the last time Brandon perilously perched on a ladder to extradite the gutter gunk.

Yeah I know that's hot. We have deep meaningful conversations.

Fast forward to early this week and, well, what do you know? Up our front steps comes a gutter guy canvasing the neighborhood. He's going door to door asking for follow up appointments to issue free quotes for gutter systems.

Now normally I just politely let these types know we are not in the market for whatever elixir they're selling. But, since we had just talked about gutters and was in a generous mood, I thought why not.

And so the salesman shows up tonight. He takes Brandon all around the exterior of the house, describing the various pitfalls of common gutters and the many virtues of his system. After measuring and what not he finally gets us sitting at the kitchen table and gives us his sales pitch.

He pulls out a suitcase a sample of the system so we can become intimate. He uses a flip chart, complete with cues for the presenter on the opposite page. He shows us a DVD reiterating all the points he just made.

Dirt. Pine needles. Leaves. Mosquitoes. Ladders. Roof damage. Uninsured cleaners can sue. OK, I get it. In fact, it appears to be a great gutter system. But, of course, since this is the first person we spoke to we need to look at other options. That's just the way we do things in our family.

Let me illustrate. Brandon and I love Honda cars. Our first car together was a 2003 Civic. We knew that is what we wanted but we felt like we needed to go around to give Toyota and Nissan a chance. After researching on the Internet, Consumer Reports, and any other resource we could find, we finally purchased only after many months and when the timing was right. For us. It is our purchase, on our terms. We had nearly the same experience with our Odyssey. We gave other makes a chance as well, but Honda set the bar in our minds.

And so after about 15 minutes of pitching, we try to explain our purchasing behavior to the sales guy.
"It really sounds like a good system, but I'm going to need to do more research," Brandon says.

He didn't understand. "Well that is why the company sends me, to make sure you have all the information," the sales guy retorts.

"No I need to feel comfortable and I don't make impulse purchases," Brandon clarifies.

He wants our signature tonight. And he keeps pressuring us. He lays it on thicker. And then it gets embarrassing. He proceeds to casually explain that the company has already invested $400 in making this sale what with the canvaser that came to the door, the phone representative that confirmed the appointment, and finally his in-home visit. He implies that we have wasted all their time because we weren't signing a contract tonight.

"That's not the door-to-door guy's fault, he did his job. That isn't your fault, you explained the system and we are interested in the product. But it is definitely not our fault for inviting you into our home. We just need to make a decision on our own terms," Brandon explains.

He then ask Brandon what line of work he is in, "Computers?" Brandon confirms. So the man proceeds to persuade Brandon by comparing his plight in "terms" Brandon can understand:

"You go to a customers home fix their computer. Give them the cost of the repair and they then let you know they are no longer interested in the repair because they did not like the price. 9 out of 10 people make the purchase. Usually that one remaining can't afford it. Let me tell you this, you are not going to get a better offer."

After this I was about to stand up and just tell this guy to leave and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

However, before I could do that, my awesome, hot husband stands up and says "First of all, I wouldn't be in a person's home fixing their computers. That isn't what I do. Second, you have insulted me and I want you to leave."

The sales guy immediately becomes passive and back peddles. "Wait, what? What do you mean?"

"You implied that I am not purchasing from you tonight because I cannot afford the price. I would like you to leave."

I wanted to make out with him right then and there. I was so proud of him for the way he handled this salesman. In the words of Elizabeth Bennett, "had he behaved in a more gentleman like manner" I may have been more eager to buy the gutters. I guess next Fall I'll have to watch Brandon climb the ladder yet again.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Rant 1: The mysterious bill

What the heck is this? I go to pay a recent medical bill online and I am presented with a form. What am I supposed to do here?

Thursday, January 03, 2008

My second sewing project

So I have this wonderful skirt that I wore for Annie Hogle (Evan's) wedding. I absolutely love it but always felt it was to formal for church because it was long. I loved the fabric and never wanted to give it away because it was made by her grandma. So I came up with this brilliant idea of making a skirt for Brooklyn and a jumper for Camden. I thought the finish product was beautiful. The girls looked adorable.

All I want for Christmas our my two front teeth!

Yeah, Camden has just cut her two top teeth. Hope you don't mind the crusties. I love this girl. I can't get enough.