Thursday, September 01, 2011

Camden had her first day of her afternoon special education preschool. She will begin her mainstream/church affiliated preschool Sept. 6th. Camden is going to be one busy preschooler Mon-Thurs 9AM-3:30PM.

We went to her meet the teacher today at the Baptist school. The teachers both seem really nice. It is a class full of girls with very few boys. I have a lot of anxiety going into this school year. It was hard standing in the classroom today looking at all these kids who were speaking well, writing their names, coloring in the lines, and playing with one another. Then there was my sweet Camden doing her own thing as happy as can be. I hope the teachers can meet the real Camden and be able to understand her. I hope the kids can be accepting even though she is not completely at their level.

I hope this year Camden and I will be able to grow and learn a lot. I am so thankful for the programs that are provided for her.
My  kids 6
My  kids 5
My  kids 3
My  kids 2
My  kids 1
Camden is ready for this new adventure. (Insert Eye of the Tiger Lyrics)
My  kids 4


  1. Any girl who can rock skinny jeans like that is going to be just fine at school. ;)

    I hope your nerves are calmed soon.

  2. She looks adorable. Nice choice on the clothes:) Camden is such a sweet girl. She melts my heart. I think its great that you can get Camden in these programs that will help her to progress.

  3. What a pretty little red head!!! She gets prettier and prettier! So, when are you coming to visit?! Soon, I hope!

  4. Tassi we are experiencing what sounds to me like very similar situations with our kiddos. It's amazing how different one kid can be from the next, you know? But you love them like crazy just the same...good luck.

    Love the daddy pics!
