Sunday, February 06, 2011

Oh Boy!

I love this little guy. He has so much energy. Anything he can get into he will. If he can't get into something he will find a way. He loves snuggles from his mom, dad, and occasionally from his sisters. He is not quite walking but is taking a few steps here and there. We love him.
Dallin 8
Dallin 7
Dallin 6
He loves looking out the window for dad or sisters to return home.
Dallin 5
Dallin 4
Dallin 3
He is always on the go when awake.
Dallin 2
Dallin 1


  1. I love my little Dallin boy. He is going to be a heartbreaker!

  2. So cute! Great photos! His hair looks so blond. I love his bright eyes and happy smile.

  3. He is so adorable! I can't wait to squeeze him in a few weeks.
