Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother's Day Update

Here is the honest truth. Ever since I have become a mother I have never enjoyed Mother's Day. Maybe it is the same with Valentine's Day. Commercialism and other influences tend to make you feel as if you are not worth much if you were not spoiled rotten or someone went to Jared's. I decided this year my attitude was going to be different. It is silly to allow those kind of influences make me feel less than what I am. So this year since I am a mother of three amazing kids I decided to give them gifts for making my mom experiences fun, entertaining, full of learning, and love. They were very small gifts but the kids loved them. The weather could not have been more beautiful. After church we made lunch and took it to a beautiful park for a picnic. I love being with Brandon and the kids. Spending time with the family outdoors is the best. I hope everyone else was able to have some fun with their families while celebrating mothers.


  1. You are awesome, Tassi. What a great idea to remedy the Mother's Day dilemma. You do have amazing children and they have an amazing mother (and father). I admire you for rising above the situation and making a fun day for all.

  2. It was Brandon's idea to picnic at the park. It was a great idea.

  3. It is indeed a dilemma for some of us moms. You have a beautiful family Tassi. I love watching your kids grow up!
